Bwaila Lions tip parents on how to identify potential cancer early in children

By Ireen Kayira, MANA

Bwaila Lions Club has appealed to parents to be keen on identifying signs of childhood cancer among their children.

Bwaila Lions Club president, Alinafe Mlamba made the appeal Saturday when the club visited Nkhoma Mission Hospital in Lilongwe for childhood cancer awareness and donation of nutritious supplements to the paediatric ward.

Cheering a paediatric patient

Mlamba said a lot of children are dying because most parents are not aware of childhood cancer signs or do not know that childhood cancer exists.

“Children are also prone to cancer and it is important that we notice it early for proper treatment because childhood cancer is treatable,” said Mlamba.

The Lions not only sensitised the guardians on childhood cancer but also donated some food items to help children undergoing different conditions recover properly.

Presenting food items

Nkhoma Hospital’s Senior Nursing Officer, Catherine Msosa said the information that had been imparted in the female guardian was vital because they would share it with community members when they are out.

“It will help as they will be rushing to the hospital as soon as they suspect signs of cancer,” Msosa said.

“Most community members delay with seeking treatment somewhere and by the time they come to the hospital the situation is worse. So the information will help a lot.”

She added that the nutritious supplements received would improve health of the children as they recovered from different illnesses.

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