It’s high time Malawi sports fraternity stamped its authority by not allowing new sponsors to dictate team name changes

Yes, beggars are not choosers because they choose to be ensnared in this spirit. The Malawian sport fraternity chose to become beggars and thus whenever they lose sponsorship, they are dictated to change their name to suit that of their new partners. This week, Under-20 First Capital Bank football cup defending champions have changed the name they trended with, Sanwecka to Bicco Opticals FC after the name of their new sponsors. Sanwecka is the name of their previous sponsors….

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This nostalgia is bothering me; Let me just let it out

The author is former Group CEO for Old Mutual Malawi * Folks, we have sunk so deep into the morass of mediocrity that we need redemption * That redemption will not only come from politicians. No. Neither will it come from your prophet nor pastor * You should be prepared to play your role and join this redemption brigade * Every Malawian has a duty to stop this rot. Be the change that you wish for By Chris Kapanga So when…

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Fighting Corruption Requires Thinking Outside the Box

By Cedrick Ngalande A week ago, President Chakwera addressed the nation outlining his action following the release of the report, ‘Usage and Accountability of the K6.2 billion CoVID-19 Disbursement’. The report had been commissioned after a public outcry over the missing K6.2 billion CoVID-19 funds. In the address, the President informed the nation that everybody who misused the CoVID-19 funds would be arrested and be made to pay back. He also announced the dismissal of a cabinet minister whose…

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Fifty-Four Years Ago

By Cedrick Ngalande On December 3, 1967, a group of doctors, nurses and technicians led by Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the world’s first ever human to human heart transplant at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. The news of this marvelous achievement spread around the world like wildfire. The New York Times edition of the next day, December 4, memorialized this event perfectly with a front-page headline, “Heart Transplant Keeps Man Alive in South Africa; Heart Transplanted…

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The Barometer That Does Not Lie

By Cedrick Ngalande Malawi changed ruling parties nearly 9 months ago in an election rerun that left a sour taste in the mouths of DPP supports. The 2019 elections were set aside for, according to the courts, two reasons: first irregularities, and secondly failure to fulfil the 50% + 1 concept. To most DPP supporters, these reasons were problematic because the 2020 elections results ended up mirroring the 2019 results. The only difference between the two being that there…

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When a nation is in denial….

By Cedrick Ngalande At the end of his four-decade illustrious career, Bill Moyers produced a documentary titled ‘Buying the War’. It is a fascinating documentary. If you have not seen it, look it up on YouTube. The documentary is about the second Gulf War. It talks about how the George W Bush administration was intent on ousting Saddam Hussein by ‘falsely’ claiming that he had weapons of mass destruction. Although there were so many glaring loopholes in that argument,…

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It’s unfortunate that Wanderers family is resisting properly structured renaissance movement

* Registration of team into a limited liability company is a viable commercialization process * The renaissance taskforce should not resign but should be encouraged to soldier on * My plea to the leaders — Humphrey Mvula, Gift Mkandawire, Limbani Magomero and Mavuto Missi For many years now, Malawian football clubs have been urged to revolutionalise by considering going commercial and moving away from its amateur status in which it depends on sponsorship or partnership deals that have proved…

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We Should Take Better Care Of Our Primary School Teachers

By Cedrick Ngalande The Malawi Government has been taking advantage of primary school teachers for a long, long time.  I should know — both my parents taught at primary schools before retiring several years ago. A couple of my brothers have been teachers; and I also have many friends still teaching in the primary school. Over the years teachers have been promised allowances that never materialized, promotions that never came, and salary raises that were never honored. Perhaps the…

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It appears some ‘Malawians’ just have a personal axe to grind on Walter Nyamilandu — bordering on jealous and envy

* As several are celebrating his loss of seat at FIFA Council * But many salute him for having represented Malawi at the pinnacle of world football * Let me welcome you to this new column When Walter Nyamilandu was elected in the FIFA Council as African Anglophone FIFA Council representative in 2018, the then Malawi Congress Party (MCP) leader — now President of the Republic, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera — heartily congratulated him, saying the party had received the news…

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Contribution to the Public Service Systems Review Taskforce

Cedrick Ngalande On March 2, 2021, the Public Service Systems Review Taskforce invited the general public to submit views, proposals and comments on the review of government allowances, procurement and employment contracts. I encourage all citizens, especially civil servants, to participate fully in this review process. Below is my contribution to the taskforce: ——————————————————————————————— TO: The Public Service Systems Review Taskforce, SUBMISSION CATEGORY: System of Procurement PROBLEM: A significant fraction of corruption comes in the form of contracts…

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