Pride Initiative equips 202 Blantyre youths in sustainable business-oriented vocational skills

The youths being trained on cellphone repairing

By Victor Singano Jnr, Correspondent

In its endeavour to reduce unemployment rate and improving economic empowerment among the youths, local non-governmental organization, Pride Initiative equipped 202 youths from various townships in Blantyre — through a 5-day sustainable business-oriented vocational skills workshop.


Courtesy of its Youth Arise project, which focuses on offering psycho-social trainings for mindset change, Pride Initiative — in conjunction with Global Youth Mobilization Fund — brought together the youths from Chilomoni, Soche, Chirimba, Ndirande, Zingwangwa Township and other areas to equip them to be self-reliant amidst the effects of CoVID-19 pandemic.

At the closing ceremony on Thursday, Pride Initiative’s founder and managing director, Gloria Phiri said; “Coronavirus contributed to the high unemployment rate globally and Malawi is among one of the countries where most companies downscaled their operations and left the youths vulnerable.

Gloria Phiri

“So, these trainings were implemented to highlight the importance of business as an economic empowerment agent.”

She added that the initiative is contributing positively to the government’s job creation drive mainly towards the young people, who “are a critical component of the society to drive the meaningful economic transformations”.

“Through the MW2063 plan, the government clearly stipulated the need for youth engagement projects to spur productivity and development. With these trainings, our youths have been drilled to become creators of jobs.”


She further expressed satisfaction with the response the initiative has received from the targeted audience.

“Since we launched this project mid-March, we received overwhelming response because many youths came to participate. We are planning to take the initiative to other districts to reach out to more,” she said.

One of the participants, Trizer Miri from Bangwe Township who acquired skills in baking and sausage making, emphasized on the need for investments in vocational trainings.

“I want to thank Pride Initiative for this youth engagement programme because through this I have horned my skills in baking and sausage making.

“The trainings have made a huge impact on us as we strive to be successful. The country needs more of such trainings to help empower more youths,” Miri said.


In order to impart the youth with skills that help them run small businesses, the initiative offered vocational trainings in cellphone repairing, baking, sausage making, tailoring and beauty salon management.

Facilitators, Rasheed Kasito — founder of Sanwecka Tech-companions — challenged the youth on application of ICT for economic transformation while Amos Zulumbi of Zachangu Agency motivated them on entrepreneurship.
