DPP councilors Joseph Makwinga, Elsen Dumuka elected Blantyre Mayor and District Council chairperson respectively

Deputy Mayor, Jomo Osman

* Jomo Osman earned 11 votes to defeat incumbent deputy mayor Funny Kanongera of UTM who got 10

* Dumuka defeated deputy Mussa Chikwawa of MCP while MCP’s Montfort Phalura is deputy chair

By Beatrice Bangula, MANA

Blantyre City Council has new Mayor, Councilor, Joseph Makwinga of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) while his deputy is Issac Jomo Osman also of the DPP.


Makwinja — formerly deputy mayor and succeeds Wild Ndipo, got 16 votes while his contender Geltrude Chirambo — also of the DPP got 14 votes and in a highly competitive post of Deputy Mayor, Jomo Osman got 11 votes while incumbent Funny Kanongera of UTM got 10 as Gerald Lipikwe of the DPP got 9 votes.


Blantyre District Council also opted to elected DPP Councilor, Elsen Dumuka as its new Council chairperson — following elections that both took place yesterday.

Dumuka emerged winner after getting 13 votes while his contender Mussa Chikwawa of MCP got 4 votes to his name with the post of deputy Council chairperson being Montfort Phalura of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) after collecting 10 votes against Moris Malowa of the DPP, who got 8 votes.
