WaterAid Malawi calls for government action on water as ‘first line of defence’ against growing threat of climate change


By Duncan Mlanjira

As Malawi joins the world commemorates Water Day on Sunday (March 22), WaterAid Malawi is calling for urgent action from Malawi Government and the international community to include safe water and sanitation in their plans for dealing with the impact of climate change.

This year’s commemoration’ theme is Water and Climate Change, WaterAid’s analysis of global water, the state of the World’s Water 2020 examines how climate change is making it harder for people in the world’s poorest countries to be able to drink clean water every day, whilst highlighting the currently inadequate amounts of climate finance spent in these countries to help them cope with the impacts of climate change.

Masoo, WaterAids country director

In a statement, WaterAid says there are currently nearly 6 million people (31 percent of the population) in Malawi, who do not have access to clean water in their homes or covered well close to home, which is making it much harder to cope with the growing impacts of climate change.

It says ensuring that everyone has a source of safe water they can rely on, whatever the weather, is the vital first line of defence against the growing threat of climate change.


And that the most immediate and widespread impacts of climate change are felt through water — extreme droughts, sea level rises, more frequent floods and powerful storms, all of which threaten people’s access to safe water.

“No-one can survive without clean water. No-one can thrive if they struggle to find it but right now, our changing climate is making life harder for the world’s poorest people who are already struggling to get clean water,” the statement quotes WaterAid Malawi’s Country Director Mercy Masoo.

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“WaterAid’s report shows that far too little is spent on helping the most vulnerable people adapt to the impacts of climate change which is putting the health and lives of millions at risk. 

“The government must recognise the vital role clean water plays in helping the people be more resilient to climate change and work to address this urgent threat now so that future generations can stay safe and healthy.”

Health hazard

In that vein, WaterAid Malawi is calling on government and other stakeholders to include planning for how to provide climate resilient water and sanitation services in its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) plans — the document which it is obliged to produce by the Paris Agreement on Climate Change — and its National Adaptation Plans. 

“This sets a baseline from which countries can develop bids to access global climate funding sources,” the statement continues.

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“Malawi ranks 31st most vulnerable country to climate change — among the top 20 percent in the world — but only receives US$11.30 per person, per year in climate finance. 

“This is for both mitigation — cutting down carbon emissions — and adaptation, which is reducing the impacts of climate change. 

“While developing countries contribute very little to global carbon emissions, they are the least prepared to withstand the effects, with little money allocated towards helping them.”


WaterAid says the average person in Malawi accounts annually for emissions of 0.078 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide — compared to the average per capita emission in the United States of 16.5 metric tonnes.

Across the world nearly 800 million people do not have access to clean water close to home, while a staggering two billion people do not have access to a water service that is free from contamination, putting them at risk of waterborne diseases and death.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 780 million people in the world live without access to clean water, and more than 2.5 billion need improved sanitation.

Keep water clean

WHO says this should start at homes as “it’s not just about the water coming out of the tap; it’s also about the water sent down the drain or into the ground. 

Coronavirus alert: Always wash hands with soap

WHO says never flush expired or unwanted medicine down the toilet or drain; never fix any leaks from cars and collect oil by putting liner on driveway and to pick up after pets to prevent waste entering drains — spreading bacteria.

In conserving water at home, WHO using water more efficiently and prudently in daily life can go a long way.

These include turning off faucets when not in use; shortening the length of showers; using low-flow toilets and to water plants by hand rather than hose.


The organizations WHO suggests that can be supported and are making a difference where water is insufficient around the world include WaterAid.

“WaterAid promotes clean water, reliable toilets and good hygiene,” says WHO. “Through logistical, educational and policy work, the organization has provided more than 26 million people with clean water and reliable toilets since 1981.”