President Mutharika insists he won the 2019 elections

By Yamikani Yapuwa & Elizabeth Mandala, MANA

President Peter Mutharika urged Malawians to come out in large numbers to register to vote in order to restore the will of the people which was expressed in the May, 2019 election. 

“On May 21, 2109, you the people of Malawi voted unanimously in an election that was free, fair, credible, transparent and credible,” said the President on Thursday in Blantyre when declaring his interest to run for presidency as well as unveiling his running mate, Atupele Muluzi of the United Democratic Front (UDF).

Mutharika and the First Lady going through
COVID-19 measures

That was attested by all international observers. We won that election. I won that election. 

“The results of that election were the will of the people. This election is not the will of the people. 

“Therefore, I call upon Malawians to come out and register and vote to restore the will of people which was expressed in May, 2019,” said Mutharika.

Serious road construction under Mutharika

In his declaration speech, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate, has reiterated his commitment to continue developing Malawi.

“We will continue improving the economy of the country to enable Malawians to prosper. We will also continue building good roads technical colleges, universities, secondary schools, houses for the poor.

Electricity now in rural areas

“We are bringing electricity to rural areas, we are building hospitals and we will continue with more development,” Mutharika said.

He also urged Malawians to go out and vote for the leadership that can develop this country and reject politicians who want to destroy this country.

“We have seen the worse nine months of violence in the country. People have lost their lives and property worth millions of kwacha.

Violence destroyed innocent people’s property

“It took us a lot to build this and it will take a lot to rebuild it, hence we need to refrain from such political leaders,” said Mutharika.

Apart of violence, the president cited killings of police officers, women and young children being abused.

Meanwhile, Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson, Justice Jane Ansah urged all candidates and the parties to champion the cause for a clean campaign, saying sometimes the race can get so intense and muddy. 

Coronavirus alert

“I urge you to confine yourself to an issue-based campaign,” Ansah said to each of the candidates that separately presented their nomination papers on Wednesday and Thursday.

“Malawians are tired of mud-slinging and foul-mouthed electioneering. For a change, they want this election to be peaceful. 

“At the same time, it is my justified expectation from you that you will take the responsibility to teach people about elections, more especially how to vote. 

Coronavirus alert

“For this election, we also have first time voters. Therefore, it is also your duty to ensure that this group is made aware about the importance of elections so that they are motivated to vote.”

She said MEC, in consultation with all political parties and electoral stakeholders, developed a Code of Conduct for Candidates and Political Parties during elections. 

“This Code of Conduct provides guidelines of how to conduct campaign and some of the things which candidates or their followers should not do.

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“I would like to urge you and to publicize the Code of Conduct you have signed and to observe it.”

She said MEC is fully committed to deliver a free, fair and credible election to the satisfaction of all contestants and stakeholders and will continue to renew its pledge to work professionally, independently and with utmost impartiality in the management of these polls.

She also touched on the Coronavirus pandemic, saying with the public health guidelines that have been issued, it calls for a creative campaign strategy. 

Coronavirus alert

“There is need for a complete departure from the means we have been doing our campaigns to new ones that will protect the citizens whom you want to get your message across. 

“I, therefore, implore on you to be very innovative by coming up with new strategies for campaigning that will not increase or pose a danger of increasing the spread of COVID-19 in the country. 

“I also expect you to take the time to civic educate your followers on how they can avoid spreading or contracting the virus.”

MEC is expected declare each of the candidates duly nominated within seven days after the closure of the nomination period after thoroughly scrutinizing all papers.—Additional reporting by Duncan Mlanjira