By Duncan Mlanjira
Muslim Youth United (MYU), who adopted and takes care of Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (Queens) neurosurgical and orthopaedic wards of the Pediatric section, has donated health products for better care of the patients against Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The donated items include 1,000 face masks, 50 washing stations, liquid dispensers and disinfectant fluids.
Muslim Youth United is supporting Pediatric section under the WE CARE program, in which they are expected to be supplying the neurosurgical and orthopaedic wards’ needs that they shall be identifying during their weekly visits in conjunction with the Queens’ medical personnel.
And during the visit, Muslim Youth United in addition also raised awareness of COVID-19’s precautionary measures.
The grouping also carries out a feeding programme at Queens every Wednesday.
Since the grouping was established in 2014 they had made several charity visits to Queens where they discovered that one of the challenges management faces there is food supply.
And every Wednesday, they supply food items for the kitchen to prepare either rice with beef, or with soya pieces or chicken stew and we also supply milk and other food supplements such as Chiponde.
As part of our celebration of the Eid al-Adha Festival of the Sacrifice last August, the grouping donated 273kgs of meat to Queens and that when they decided to continue with the feeding programme.
In December, the grouping also donated physiotherapy equipment to Kachere Rehabilitation Centre, MACOHA and FEDOMA in Blantyre that included 120 wheelchairs, 20 walkers and 100 walking sticks.
In September, MYU organised a Blood Donation Camp also at Mpingwe Sports Club in conjunction with National Muslim Students Association, Pakistan Welfare Association, Limbe Muslim Jamal Bilal Trust and Malawi Blood Transfusion Service (MBTS).
Since its inception in 2014, Muslim Youth United has undertaken over 33 empowerment projects that included tree planting sessions as well as prison and hospital visits.