Education Ministry organises consultative meetings on review of school and college curricula

* The school and college curricula critically support human capital development for socio- economic growth

* By empowering citizens with critical knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required to navigate the rapidly evolving global world

By Duncan Mlanjira

The Ministry of Education, through the Malawi Institute of Education (MIE), will from tomorrow be holding consultative meetings as part of the process of reviewing school and college curricula and assessment procedures.


In a statement, the Ministry says the review focuses on pre-primary, primary, secondary and primary teacher education curricula with a purpose of aligning the schools and the teacher education curricula with the aspirations of Malawians as stipulated in the MW2063.

“The school and college curricula critically support human capital development for socio- economic growth by empowering citizens with critical knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required to navigate the rapidly evolving global world.

“One of the activities of the review process is consulting citizens on the school and college curricula,” said the statement, adding that the Ministry “recognises the vast treasure of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes citizens have and how they can add value to the transformation of education in Malawi.”


The Ministry thus invites people from all walks of life to participate in these meetings of national importance to be held across the country in 18 centres in all the six education divisions.

The invited include parents, guardians, school management committees, the business community, traditional and religious leaders, faith-based organisations, youths, farmers, representatives from community-based organisations and non-governmental organisations.

The Consultative Meetings will be held across the country in 18 centres in all the six education divisions as follows:

The secondary school centres are Mzimba  (January 16), Maghemo (January 18) and Katoto (January 20) for Northern Education Division (NED); Dowa Secondary (January 16), Chayamba (January 18), Nsalura (January 20) for Central East Education Division (CEED); Ntcheu (January 16), Mchinji (January 18) and Chinsapo (January 20) for Central West Education Division (CWED).

For South East Education Division (SEED), they will be at Mangochi (January 16), Balaka (January 18), Mulunguzi (January 20); Chikwawa (January 16), Mwanza (January 18), Chichiri (January 20) for South West Education Division (SWED) and Phalombe (January 16), Luchenza (January 18), Mulanje (January 20) for Shire Highlands Education Division (SHED).

“The creation of a self-reliant and wealthy nation relies on our ability to contribute to shaping a more equitable and inclusive educational future where every citizen’s unique perspectives are acknowledged, and where dreams and aspirations are realised.

“By participating in the consultative meetings, each citizen will invest invaluably in the transformation of education and development of human capital for Malawi’s economic growth,” said the Ministry — while inviting interested stakeholders to send their views to:

The Executive Director

Malawi Institute of Education

P.O. Box 50


Contact number of 0990088035 and email

And for more information, to contact MIE’s Public Relations Officer Moses Mailosi on +265 881 737157/ 0998544461.

Executive Director, Dr Frank Mtemang’ombe

On its post on Facebook last October, MIE said the review process started with a concept paper development activity and at the opening ceremony of the activity, Executive Director, Dr Frank Mtemang’ombe was quoted as saying the current primary teacher education curriculum emphasises more on pedagogical knowledge than content knowledge.

Mtemang’ombe also pointed out that the design of In-In, out-out and In-In needed to be looked into as well if the country is to realize the best training for teachers in a quest for quality education.