Cancelled Lilongwe CCAP Women’s Guild choir mends fences of feud between Nkhoma and Blantyre Synods

Berea GS Rev. Anderson Juma

* In his mind, he wanted to sow seeds of patriotism and had not intention of hurting anybody but utterly failed in his choice of appropriate words

* He is aware of the grave utterances, negative effect, interpretation and consequences that may arise thereof

By Duncan Mlanjira

Following a statement that Blantyre Synod of the CCAP that offended Nkhoma Synod, a planned trip by Lilongwe’s Women’s Guild, Mvama Chigwirizano Choir to Berea CCAP in South Africa of the Blantyre Synod was cancelled.


The order issued on October 9 by Nkhoma CCAP Nkhoma Synod’s general secretary, Rev. Vasco Kachipapa Banda to Mvama CCAP Church, said until Blantyre Synod apologised the trip should not be undertaken — after Berea CCAP has said some unsavory statement as regards to the two Synods’ relationship.

In response, Blantyre Synod’s Moderator, Rev. Dr. Zgambo and deputy general secretary, Rev. Baxton Maulidi issued an apology on Wednesday, October 11 to the leadership of Nkhoma Synod, saying after the issue was brought to their attention, they engaged Berea’s general secretary for clarification.

“Most of the people in Malawi including Church Ministers of the CCAP Synods have received the clip audios emanating from Berea congregation in Johannesburg.


Synod management, through the Moderator thus phoned the general secretary on Sunday evening who took responsibility of the audio contents, saying: “In his mind, he wanted to sow seeds of patriotism and had not intention of hurting anybody but utterly failed in his choice of appropriate words

He is aware of the grave utterances, negative effect, interpretation and consequences that may arise thereof. He is deeply sorry for the utterances and offer apology to all the CCAP Synods (1 John 1:9).

Thus Rev. Zgambo and Rev. Maulidi assured Nkhoma Synod that they “deeply regret the choice of words by Rev. Anderson Juma, who has since sent an apology letter.


“As tangible expression of this apology, commitment and seriousness, the Blantyre Synod leadership will travel to Nkhoma and Livingstonia Sunods on a specified date

“We call upon all of you to pray for Synod management and the entire CCAP family so that healing process and reconciliation flourish for the sake of promoting God’s Kingdom,” said the apology letter while asking Nkhoma Synod for the “mutual understanding and continued support”.
